Currently, Clay Gunter is serving as a part-time Stated Supply Pastor for LaFayette Presbyterian Church. Members are grateful for the leadership of Pastor Gunter who is a Commissioned Ruling Elder in the PCUSA and who has also received training in layperson ministry.
A Georgia native, he has spent most of his career in public education. He currently serves as an elementary school assistant principal in Cherokee County, Georgia. Clay is a lifelong Presbyterian who received a Bachelor’s Degree in Religion and Christian Education from Presbyterian College. Clay received a Master’s Degree in Education from Jacksonville State (AL) University and his Specialist in Education Administration from Kennesaw State University.
Clay has had opportunities to serve the church at the local, regional and national levels. Clay has attended and hosted many of retreats and conferences for the church. He has also worked with a variety of organizations whose missions are to provide support for those in need.
Clay married his college sweetheart Laura. Together they have two daughters, Brittany and Sydney. Brittany is a high school history teacher and Sydney is a second-year graduate student at Georgia State University. Laura teaches students with cognitive disabilities in the Cobb County School District. A huge technology geek, Clay often provides professional development for folks, especially on internet safety. In his spare time, Clay enjoys sports, reading, listening to books and podcasts, visiting Disney World, and spending time with his family.
Lem arnold
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