Musings for 6-18-2020
Sometimes you work on writing something and you know it just isn’t right and then suddenly you find the words.
Unfortunately sometimes they are someone else’s words and you cannot take credit! It is incredibly frustrating. 😊
The good news is it gives me time to work on my words some more while also sharing these moving words with you.
"God of the Movements and Martyrs" was written in honor of the 85th anniversary of the North Carolina Council of Churches. The Council was formed in 1935 to address racial injustice, and continues to work for peace, justice, equity, and inclusion. The hymn honors those whose faith has called them to work for peace and justice, past, present, and future, and invites all of us to join in that sacred work.
My friend David LaMotte wrote this amazing hymn. And someday when we return and can also sing together we will sing it. (Don’t worry there is music for both piano and organ.)
I am including links to three arrangements.
May we take the words to heart. David - Original Zach Light Wells - Contemporary Wil Smith - for Congregational Singing with Piano
I hope you will listen to all three. There is even a version for banjo being released I imagine you can find soon.
I hold you all in my daily prayers and hope you are staying well and know that God loves you (and so do I.)