Midweek Musing- 12/26/2024
This Christmas my entire family ventured to just north of Nashville to be with my brother’s family. It was wonderful to be together for the holiday – we do not get to do that enough especially as the once little children are growing up into busy middle schoolers, teens, and young adults.
Of course, it is amazing for me to see how much the “kids” have grown, and this amazement is especially true for my brother's kids who I do not see near as often as I would like.
Now Noah is my brother's son and is 15. He has grown up a bunch since I’ve last seen him. He will be looking down on most of the family very soon and I will certainly not be picking him up to put him on my shoulder as I once did.
Noah has become quite an athlete doing football, tennis and Crossfit. My brother shares he loves going to the gym to workout. It is an essential part of his routine. (I sat near him often hoping his dedication would rub off and land on me!)
What surprised me in talking with my brother is that the most difficult part of his exercise regiment has nothing to do with the gym. The tough part is his rest and recovery day where he is supposed to just be so his body can rejuvenate and heal. This test period physiologists will insist is essential for the human body.
Noah would much rather do than just be. And while that certainly is not a problem I have with exercise, it is one I have in so many other places of my life.
I go and do and go some more. I look at my busy calendar and impossible to-do lists as badges of honor. I sit down to pray and my mind wanders. I plan spiritual practices that get cut short by over-committing myself so that I am never able to really just be.
I know I should. The Psalmist tells us to “Be still” so we might know our God. Jesus celebrates Mary in her simply sitting at his feet even when there were obviously a lot of other things that might have been done.
At Christmas we have so many opportunities to sit and be and so often we miss them. For me I realize I need to be very intentional about these opportunities or I discover they have passed by me.
Recently I realized I missed such a moment – fortunately I could go back and get a bit of a do-over – though I guess really it was a second chance as going back in time to really do-over isn’t possible except in science fiction.
Let me explain.
About a week ago my friend David Lamotte sent out a video that was his Christmas greeting. I watched the video for a brief moment but had “stuff” going on or to do so I moved on instead of being still and enjoying a moment of peace and hope that had been made available to me.
Basically, I allowed the concerns of the world to steal my Christmas joy. Looking back now I know that the few moments of rest would have been good for my body and soul. Additionally, it would probably have helped me do my other “stuff” better.
Fortunately, I think as I was telling folks about David’s visit with us on zoom, I remembered this video and went back and let myself really enjoy it. And in the moment, I deeply appreciated the beauty of this season and the blessings of my life.
And guess what? I felt better in body and soul. Just a few minutes of being in the present was a gift which is available for us all, if we only remember to be still and let ourselves be open to healing and rejuvenation that allows us all to be better able to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with God.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Alleluia Amen.
PS - Here is a link to the video. I hope you will simply enjoy it.
Holiday Blessings to all.